JOJO2K: The Hoarde
The world is a huge place with tons of interesting stuff that I think more people would enjoy seeing! This is my page dedicated to just collecting things that other people will look at for a few seconds and say "oh cool neat" and then leave. I mean, hey, that's how I use the internet.
Special reader question: should I leave all these sections open or should they be collapsable for easier browsing? Let me know in the comments below 💫
Looking through all this stuff would be better with some music, no?

Despite what my degenerate interests and hobbies might suggest, I've been known to be deadly interested in the truth. I've been a Christian my whole life (shout out to Jesus) and in college I studied liberal arts and philosophy, in part because I wanted to make sure I was on the right path, y'dig. Came out the other side still Catholic, make of that what you will lol 😁 If my experiences or knowledge on any of this stuff can be of use to anyone, I'll have counted all my searching fruitful, I'd say. So, below are some sites that have been helpful to me in my search for the truth, living well and other intriguing pages.
- russellstutler.com
- ➤➤ This is the only website I could envision starting this list, I love it. It's homey, personal and full of awesome information relating to this dude Russell Stutler and his faith life in Japan. The page linked there is one of the first pages I found on his site about English versions of the breviary. Click around on his website and you'll find history, testimonies and stuff you could browse around on for at least a few hours!
- ibreviary.com
- ➤➤ I feel like if you're Catholic and reading a site as obscure as mine, you may already know about "iBreviary." It's a website (and phone app!) you can use to freely pray the Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office. It's a great way to integrate praying with scripture in your life, I do it and recommend it myself :)
- shamelesspopery.com
- ➤➤ A great website about some more specific/in-depth apologetics compared to something like Catholic Answers. The author has a great way of speaking and writing; I really appreciate his style. His explanations of some things about Christianity and Catholicism certainly helped me. Maybe you'll find answers to some of your burning questions on there.
- Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World
- ➤➤ One thing I learned from studying everyone from Aristotle to Nietzsche is that we know sooooooo little. Imagine the things that people thought were impossible 100 years ago, and think of how many of those things we have or know about today. I love this podcast, Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World because he takes this truth and runs with it and questions everything from the resurrection of Jesus, to ghosts, to aliens, to history and just about anything else you could think of. Some may look at the things he explores and think "well, he's Catholic, of course he's going to come to conclusion x, y or z" but... that applies to anyone with any kind of bias. Just hear him out and come to your own conclusions, he's a very level-headed man. His other works like interviews and articles elsewhere out there are also stellar.
- The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
- ➤➤ HAHA, did you think my hoarde was just all websites?! Here's a LECTURE SERIES for you!! (Goodreads says there's a paperback version, but I don't know if that's true...) Anyways, if you have a Spotify or Audible subscription, you owe it to yourself to listen to these already. Kreeft is a great author: very clear and concise. If you think people like Thomas Aquinas just wrote about some medieval mumbo jumbo, think again. Adopt some of his principles and you may actually find they help make you happier on a day-to-day basis, as the saint has helped me so.
- 33 Days to Merciful Love
- ➤➤ Can unironically change your life for the better. Recommended x 100.

Without technology, we wouldn't have websites like jojo2k.com!
...I hope that's a good thing...
- Some random college guy
- ➤➤ Ah, the old college tech blog. I love stumbling across these - older .edu sites that are just running some ancient Apache server that professors or students STILL have stuff on from as far back as the late 80s or 90s, sometimes. I'm glad I put "computing" here for this category also, because there's computer and math (computational, see?) stuff on the same site! This is actually one of the better-designed college-hosted websites out there, some of them look a LOT older than this, haha.
- yay package manager/helper
- ➤➤ Ever since Microsoft announced that copilot crap, that was the last straw to switch to some kind of Linux. Long story short, ended up on a flavor of Arch Linux that uses this AUR package manager/helper. Even Ubuntu's package manager was annoying, which is saying something because that's supposed to be THE average-user-Linux-distro, right? The whole apt-get rigamarole could be better. Yay is super intuitive while still allowing for really short commands like "yay -Syu" to upgrade everything. Highly recommended.
- scrcpy
- ➤➤ Ooooh I love this lil guy. Plug in your android phone to your computer, click a button, boom, your entire phone on your computer. (I think you can also do it wirelessly.) I recently downgraded to a very small phone for attention span-purposes, and having this to have a larger, more usable version of my phone at my home computer pit is... it's like... driving a Ferrari.
- IRIX Network
- ➤➤ Y'know SGI workstations, like the stuff that helped make early 3D Final Fantasy stuff, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, some movie CGI stuff in the 90s/00s? Found this fun site (that then links/archives other sites) that has lots of info about it. Jolly good stuff!!!!

Video Games
The best waste of hundreds or thousands of hours man can buy.
- Shonumi / Edge of Emulation
- ➤➤ This homie, Shonumi, knows a lot more about obscure technology than I do. Their "Edge of Emulation" articles are beyond fascinating, documenting getting some of the strangest peripherals working in an attempt to emulate EVERYTHING GameBoy related. Forget Nintendo sewing machines, did you know there were Nintendo-licensed glucose readers?! Check out the "Articles" section of their site to read more!
- Rodrigo Copetti
- ➤➤ More stuff about the nitty-gritty of video game consoles, offering medium-detailed tech specs of different video game consoles. Love these articles. The most interesting part about hardware like these consoles is how the designers got such limited technology to produce rather astonishing computing feats, given their limitations and goal to mass-produce the systems. Spaghetti code indeed.
- gog.com
- ➤➤ "Good Ol' Games" - don't flame people for not knowing about this. I used Steam for PC games for the longest time before I heard about GOG. Storefront-wise, they're most known for having DRM-free games, compaared to other sites like Steam, whatever the hell Ubiosoft has, Epic Games, EA garbage, etc. All those are technically forms of DRM, and then on top of that, some games on these DRM sites have crap like Denuvo on TOP of that... and then people still crack and pirate their games. We live in a society.
- The Cutting Room Floor
- ➤➤ The Cutting Room Floor is for video game nerds what TVTropes is for TV/movie nerds. Click on one thing on TCRF and you'll probably end up reading about the history/development of games for too much time. I'd like to thank my old high school's network for keeping this site unblocked. Whenever I got done with computer class work, I'd just browse this or play Final Fantasy games on my PSP... good times lol
- Blue Moon Falls
- ➤➤ Here we see the endangered video game fan site in its new natural habitat, Neocities. For real though, a new, modern fan site for gen 2 Pokemon games, how sweet is that! It's so modern, in fact, that the site admin has even developed a "simulator" for event Pokemon distribution for you dirty emulator-freaks out there that replicates a bit of what it would be like to get said Pokemon at an IRL event site way back when. Go check it out!!
- PSBBN English
- ➤➤ Sooooo apparently there was a somewhat robust online PS2 content browser in Japan that never really took off elsewhere... turns out it makes a great frontend for your bootleg PS1 and PS2 games now thanks to this English patch! ;P Really though, seeing this in English (and with all the added functionality - INCLUDING A SHORTCUT TO EASILY BOOT INTO PS2 LINUX??? *swoon*) is so much fun and a very notable release for PS2 preservation's sake. Check out this link to download and install, or just watch the dude's videos on its history and functionality!
- DoujinStyle.com
- ➤➤ I am not responsible for any odd content you find on here, but my favorite part of this site is the games they have on here. Not only can you find the classic Touhou shmup games, but there's also a selection of doujin-style (read as: indie) computer games you can try out. Really interesting, small studio or one-person projects that you can imagine running on your old Windows XP computer. (Or, you can download them and actually play a lot of them on your actual Windows XP computer lol)

Youtube Channels
I have a lot of good Youtube channels to recommend, so I figured I'd make an entire section for it instead of clog up the other categories. Some are popular, some not, but hopefully you'll find some interesting ones here.
- f4mi
- ➤➤ The last great tech video essayist. Fight me.
- Nerrel
- ➤➤ I guess a lot of people know him for his potentially click-baity video about N64 vs. 3DS Majora's Mask, but his videos are generally pretty informative and entertaining. His age eludes me though - he's relatively level-headed, but complains about video games on Youtube, but also lambasts those terminally online folks who can't tell a good video game from a box of plain, unsweetened cheerios. Uh... where was I?
- Webb Montgomery
- ➤➤ Goated animator, style is off the charts. He seems to keep getting videos picked up by the almighty algorithm, but all of his videos are somethin' else. I really enjoy the voicemail one.

What's a good list without an "etc.?"
- Searx
- ➤➤ Decentralized search engines. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

HTTP Sites
I enjoy retro computing, and there's a vast number of computers out there that are internet capable, but handicapped. The new web is out to kick older computers offline with things like HTML5, too much JavaScript, HTTPS and more. But, if you can get your old clankers online and don't want to jump through any hoops to access modern stuff, check out these sites that your grandma's computer can surf. (Me personally, I'm rocking the iMac G3 to check out this stuff.) You can also access these sites on modern computers/browsers, but where's the fun in that? Go get an old iBook RIGHT NOW.
These are only sites I've visited recently, so feel free to let me know of other cool http:// sites!
- http://frogfind.com
- http://macintoshgarden.org
- http://macintosh.garden
- http://system7today.com
- http://macos9lives.com
- http://webring.theoldnet.com (Note: not all sites in this webring are http:// )
JOJO2K: The Site-Wide Chatbox
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